Submitted by Phil Bolton, Global Atlanta - April 15, 2015
A luncheon discussion on the pros and cons of vocational training is to be held on Friday, April 25 at the offices of the Atlanta law firm Arnall Golden Gregory, LLP
Titled “Azubis Going USA,” the luncheon is particularly timely as nine German apprentices are undertaking internships at Atlanta companies.
The luncheon is to be held in conjunction with the German American Chamber ofCommerce of the Southern U.S. Inc. and the Joachim Herz Foundation, which is sponsoring the visiting apprentices.
The discussion is to be introduced with a presentation about vocational training in the U.S.given by Nadine Schubert, consultant, career services, GACC South, and Oliver Schmidt, program director of personal development at the Joachim Herz Foundation.Tycho Stahl , a partner at AGG, is to be the luncheon and roundtable moderator.
For a Global Atlanta article about the internships that the “Azubis,” German for apprentice, are experiencing, click here. For more information about how to participate in the luncheon, send an email to Nadine Schubert at